Boycott the roses

(Today attempt to write a symbolic story)

Ramdeen is a gardener! A good garden !!

He took good care of his garden. Had grown many kinds of roses. Red, pink, white, yellow, pearls, buttons, desi- foreigners were all roses in her garden.

And yes ! No chemical fertilizer but only compost fertilizer!

Very wind, fertilizer, taking care of water.

Yes ! The crop was growing very beautiful. There were so many lovely roses.

Ramdeen was very proud of his garden. Adopts new technology so that its crop is always flourishing.

Was very proud of our harvest.

Even if it is why not ! Her roses were famous at its peak

But Ramdeen is watching these days! A few too large thorns were growing. So much that the days come, they get stinged while doing good.

And now the skin started peeling, blood started leaking.

Really the thorns started hurting so much that even the soul was bleeding.

Ramdeen detected clinically and found that they can be poisonous too.

Now her mind doesn't feel like these roses.

"No more harvest these roses. "Ramdeen decided to mind.

So will Ramdeen leave gardening? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo She is a hard working and hardworking gardener.

Yes ! No more affection on roses. Don't know when the thorns get pierced!

Now Ramdeen will plant sunflower garden.

Why brother?

She doesn't have thorns and her flowers are always with the lonely sun that is a source of energy for all. Sun whether east or west !

Seriously those flowers are honest, loyal.

The light is amazing 


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