Madhu became a widow after 1 year

The happiness that was found in Madhu's life was snatched. Now she is sad. The glow of the face is missing. She is neither laughing nor smiling. The mountain of sadness is broken. Vermilion will never be able to apply now. New new saree no longer want to wear. Expensive expensive, no longer have to buy lipstick. The nobat to go to the makeup shop will not be there anymore.

Why would it go now. Newly married, was happy. Had to crave a baby. There will be joy in the yard of the house. There will be a new glamour. The song and the music will keep on playing. The house will be like flowers. God didn't approve. Husband stopped breathing in a road accident. All the greenery is over. Madhu became a widow after one year.

The only satisfaction was that a three month old baby was growing in the womb. She cried a lot over her husband died. I cried my whole heartedly. After the death of husband, she was in unconsciousness for several days. Had become weak. Was admitted to the hospital. Somehow handled the senses then.

The body was completely broken due to Karun Rudan. The womb also affected which caused the three-month-old fetus growing in the womb recently. Had to do abortion.


#Anwarali blogs


A hope of life that too ended. You can understand what's going through over that honey. Nothing feels good trying to eat something not going in.

Madhu's condition is in a pitiful situation at this time. All of them have been destroyed. People of the street neighborhood came. All relatives and relatives come. Everyone explained but Madhu is the one who is like. A tease of pain in the mind that has been crushed, perhaps it will be crushed. Now she is living in vivashta helplessness. 


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