The Accident

Half of the people of the unit came to watch the shooting of the injured young man and the rest of the major people approached the heroine who was sitting down with a gun in hand.

Ufff! Madam ! You skilled senior actress! How did this accident happen in your hands? The director asked.

With the support of the gun hose, the actress's head raised glycerine-free eyes bowed down, the voice came out - "I had refused you to take this Mother India Numa role. You have made me believe to accept the role of relations, the result is my habit of embracing my role .. Today I was made a killer. "

"You be relaxed we will deal with everything but your wrong aim? Real gun instead of fake..? "

"Everything is right, target o gun you don't know my son was gonna die. A traitor! A terrorist !



इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

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